1. Install Discord and join the Midjourney server.

  2. Activate the Midjourney bot using commands, such as "/imagine" followed by your prompt.

  3. Use the "/subscribe" command to switch to a paid account.

  4. Access the Midjourney web app to view your recent images and the community feed.

  5. Use advanced prompts, such as Lexica and PromptHero, or the MJ Prompt Tool to create prompts visually.

  6. Utilize cheat sheets for Midjourney parameters, such as "--ar" for aspect ratio and size and "--hd" for high definition.

  7. Access your Midjourney settings by typing the '/settings' command on Discord.

  8. Find your images on Discord by using the Midjourney web app, checking the 'inbox' tab for mentions, or starting a private chat with the bot.

  9. Use the img2img feature to use your own photos as a source or blend multiple images together.

  10. Use the same characters across multiple images by saving them as templates.

    Here are some of my favorite prompts:

    Prompt- space suit with boots, futuristic, character design, cinematic lightning, epic fantasy, hyper realistic, detail 8k --ar 9:16

    0_0 (4).png

    Prompt- kneeling cat knight, portrait, finely detailed armor, intricate design, silver, silk, cinematic lighting, 4k, --ar 9:16 --beta --upbeta

    0_0 (1).png

    Prompt- character design, void arcanist, mist, photorealistic, octane render, unreal engine, hyper detailed, volumetric lighting, hdr. --ar 9:16


    Style - Dave Arredondo