YouTube is a powerful social media platform that allows creators to share their content with a global audience. Creators like Sonny V Two have been posting videos on the platform for years, amassing a large number of videos and receiving a high number of views per day.

One effective way to increase views on older content is to split-test the thumbnails and titles of the videos in your catalog. This means experimenting with different versions of the thumbnail and title to see which one performs best. Mr. Beast, a well-known YouTuber, frequently discusses this strategy and even uses it himself. For example, he might test the color of his shirt in a thumbnail to see which color gets the most clicks.

Split-testing allows creators to optimize their videos for maximum engagement and can lead to a significant increase in views. For example, if you could increase Sonny V Two's views by just 25%, he would receive an additional 13 million views per month.

ChatGPT can assist in this process by creating thumbnails and titles for you and running split-tests in the background at a speed never seen before. This can save creators a lot of time and effort and help them to quickly identify which thumbnails and titles perform best. Additionally, the model can analyze the data and provide suggestions on how to improve the videos. Overall, split-testing is a powerful strategy for increasing views on older content and ChatGPT can assist in this process to get the most out of your videos.

Here are youtube optimizer businesses using chatGPT you can start RIGHT NOW:

  1. YouTube optimization service: Offer to optimize YouTube videos for creators by split-testing thumbnails and titles to increase views.
  2. YouTube analytics service: Provide creators with detailed analytics and performance metrics for their videos.
  3. YouTube video split-testing software: Develop a software tool that automates the process of split-testing thumbnails and titles.
  4. YouTube video promotion service: Help creators promote their videos on social media and other platforms to increase views.
  5. YouTube marketing consulting: Provide consulting services to creators on how to market their videos and grow their audience.
  6. YouTube video editing service: Offer to edit and enhance creators' videos to make them more engaging and professional.
  7. YouTube video thumbnail design service: Create custom thumbnails for creators' videos to increase click-through rates.
  8. YouTube video title optimization service: Help creators write compelling and effective titles for their videos.
  9. YouTube video optimization course: Create an online course that teaches creators how to optimize their videos for maximum engagement.
  10. YouTube video production service: Offer to produce high-quality videos for creators who don't have the time or resources to do it themselves.